Monday, July 4, 2016

Under the Mournful Moon

~ Under the Mournful Moon ~
Presence marked, She remembered the nights
we first came together
and then fell apart
again and again
each occurrence immortalized by a star
under Her watchful gaze
since the beginning of time
our time
we stopped it
we lost it
we found it again
never the same
but solid
or so I thought
I got mad
and ran away
you grew frustrated
and closed the door
presence marked, She dimmed the stars
sensing our cycle
has run its course
the night air grew heavy
as the moon mourned
the best of you
wanted more for me
and the best of me
cursed you for that
because the worst of me
still loved the worst of you
and even though I always returned to you
I could not ask to come back again
© Dahlia Ramone: July 4, 2016

This was written for Blogophilia Week 20.9
Topic: Best of You
Hard (2 pts): Quote Ferris Bueller (I didn’t)
Easy (1 pt): Mention a favorite song
(“Either Side of the Same Town” by Elvis Costello)