Sunday, April 24, 2016

une minute avec la lune

~ une minute avec la lune ~
Hello.  Me again
first, let me apologize
for getting it wrong
keeper of secrets
you knew all my desires
and yet, you were tied
I asked the wrong things
you could send my love to him
but not bring his back
I understand now
I can’t will specific love
I can’t wish for his
but I can, and do,
wish him love and happiness
his own, to explore
and for me, dear moon
your presence my one constant
your lesson, received
it’s a new chapter
of my secret diary
I seek only truth.
© Dahlia Ramone: April 24, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia Week 10.9
Topic: A Secret Diary
Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 pts) Include a Haiku
(Easy, 1 pt) Use the word “Sentient” (I did not)

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Shadows vs. Light

  ~ Shadows vs. Light ~
I breathe in your memory
and exhale your name
the sound whispers through the darkness
of a lost love
Glimpses of a resurrection
tease my mind
shadows of light
but one of us is blind
I stumble through the corridors
of a broken heart
stepping over remnants
of a history I cannot escape
Years in isolation
leave our souls confined
shadows of light
keep us aligned
I implored upon Fate
She only led me here
to face the same questions
no one seems to answer
Hope’s evaporation
the inevitable decline
shadows of light
dim as they resign
I breathe in your memory
and exhale your name
it echoes through the darkness
waiting to be answered.
© Dahlia Ramone: April 10, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia Week 8.9
Topic: Shadows of Light
Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 pts) Include an Aphrodisiac
(Easy, 1 pt) Include Silver Bells
(I did not use any bonus points)