Sunday, April 10, 2016

Shadows vs. Light

  ~ Shadows vs. Light ~
I breathe in your memory
and exhale your name
the sound whispers through the darkness
of a lost love
Glimpses of a resurrection
tease my mind
shadows of light
but one of us is blind
I stumble through the corridors
of a broken heart
stepping over remnants
of a history I cannot escape
Years in isolation
leave our souls confined
shadows of light
keep us aligned
I implored upon Fate
She only led me here
to face the same questions
no one seems to answer
Hope’s evaporation
the inevitable decline
shadows of light
dim as they resign
I breathe in your memory
and exhale your name
it echoes through the darkness
waiting to be answered.
© Dahlia Ramone: April 10, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia Week 8.9
Topic: Shadows of Light
Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2 pts) Include an Aphrodisiac
(Easy, 1 pt) Include Silver Bells
(I did not use any bonus points)


  1. The part about the decline being inevitable... That is real.

    Tremendous poem of resign. You don't see these often. It takes an overwhelming level of courage to write these, and subsequently shard.

    1. Yeah, it's not a matter of "if" but "when." And you're write about the courage part, sometimes it takes more courage to just let go.

      Love you <3

  2. Sometimes some people are burned so deeply into you that they will always be a part of your future.

    1. I agree. And even if nothing is ever meant to come of it, that special bond will always be there.

    2. I still miss my soulmate and every now and then I try and reopen communication. **shakes head**

    3. I keep reaching out periodically as well, but am never met with encouragement. I think it's time to finally stop. *sighs*

    4. I doubt I'll ever stop, but I like your choice better. If ever I can help when that gets hard/rough let me know. I know in my heart and head how hard that choice is

  3. again, the feels and the goosies appear from your words. My fave image is this: shadows of light
    keep us aligned

    Hmm, I can relate. Thanks for always writing poems that remind us we are spirits living in a material world. <3

    1. Thanks, Christine. I love that you always get it ;)

  4. Sadly, we sometimes cannot seem to escape our own history. 5 points, Earthling!

    - Marvin Martian

    1. We can be our own worst enemy. Thanks, Martian Dude ;)

  5. Haunting and beautiful!

  6. Oh...this... *sigh* "I stumble through the corridors
    of a broken heart" It's so hollow, empty and cold in those corridors and I can feel it in this write. It's a shame it takes such heartbreak to produce such beautiful poetry. Love you sister. <3

    1. We do suffer for our art - loll! Love you back <3

  7. Sadly, I've always been blinded by love.... maybe it's those damned rose colored glasses! This is beautiful but so heartbreaking. Much love, ((((DOLLFACE)))))!! xoxo

    1. Yeah, I get blinded as well. I think I just have a hard time seeing things for what they are. Love you tons <3

  8. Such a heartbreaking write, yet so beautiful just the same. :)


  9. Awesome take on the topic! :)

