Sunday, August 21, 2016

Rain, Regrets and a What If Kiss


What would happen
if we could do it all again
rendezvous behind that barn
and kiss once more in the rain?
What would that kiss taste like?
would we become one with the rain
and dance in the heady scent
of fresh beginnings?
or would it simply rain down on us
like big, fat teardrops of regret
filling puddles that we always have to walk around?
could we get through it?
should we even try?
what would happen
if we didn’t walk around those puddles?
what if we scooped them up
scooped up all the teardrops of regret
and placed them in a bucket
and carried them across a bridge
where we’d stop and, with purpose and peace,
we’d empty that bucket together
washing those big fat teardrops of regret
into the river below where they belong.
then we’d toss the bucket after them
and carry no more regrets.
what would happen
if you kissed me once more
for old time’s sake?
I will think of you
the next time it rains…
Dahlia Ramone: August 21, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia Week 27.9
(Writer’s Choice for topic and prompts; I chose the following):
Topic: Kissing in the Rain
Bonus Prompts:
Hard (2 points): Complete something you started but never finished
Easy (1 point): Ask a question in your writing

Friday, August 19, 2016

Ghost Moon


"The days really don't last forever
but it's getting pretty damn close
and that's when I remember
the things I miss the most"
(excerpt from Steely Dan's Things I Miss the Most)
~ Ghost Moon ~
In silence, there is no respite
she haunts me all throughout the night
symbol of dreams, once kept, now through
ghost moon is all that’s left of you

keeper of secrets, she knew mine
I whisper still, seeking a sign
in response, she just fades to blue
ghost moon is all that’s left of you

who knew that this would come to be?
regret becomes reality
no string of hope to hold onto
ghost moon is all that’s left of you

in silence, there is no respite
ghost moon is all that’s left of you.
© Dahlia Ramone: August 19, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia Week 26.9
 Topic: All Through the Night
Hard (2 pts): Incorporate a Steely Dan/Donald Fagen lyric
Easy (1 pts): Include the word “strings”