Friday, August 19, 2016

Ghost Moon


"The days really don't last forever
but it's getting pretty damn close
and that's when I remember
the things I miss the most"
(excerpt from Steely Dan's Things I Miss the Most)
~ Ghost Moon ~
In silence, there is no respite
she haunts me all throughout the night
symbol of dreams, once kept, now through
ghost moon is all that’s left of you

keeper of secrets, she knew mine
I whisper still, seeking a sign
in response, she just fades to blue
ghost moon is all that’s left of you

who knew that this would come to be?
regret becomes reality
no string of hope to hold onto
ghost moon is all that’s left of you

in silence, there is no respite
ghost moon is all that’s left of you.
© Dahlia Ramone: August 19, 2016
This was written for Blogophilia Week 26.9
 Topic: All Through the Night
Hard (2 pts): Incorporate a Steely Dan/Donald Fagen lyric
Easy (1 pts): Include the word “strings”


  1. You have just rewritten the play book on how to write a romantic interlude. I get this, down to my core.

    1. An interlude suggests this is a period between events. The question remains, what follows the interlude?

      And I know that you get this <3

  2. Dancing in the rain with the ghost moon! 8 points, Earthling! :)

    Martien Ecrits :)

    1. A melancholy slow dance, in a light rain under a ghost moon, I can visualize that. Thanks, Martian Dude :)

  3. You should definitely write more, great things happen when you do. <3

    1. Yeah, I had planned to write on a weekly basis, but that never works out as planned - lol!

      Love you to the m000n and back and shit <3

  4. Lovely...hauntingly lovely.

  5. Lovely write, Dollface!


  6. ooh kind of spooky and surreal! Favorite line is "in response she just fades to blue" !!

  7. You write romance so true. In the real, it happens to all of us - good and bad - tho we long for the good always. Love the way you met the challenge, dollface. ❤ Leta

    1. I always long for the good but never seem to get a hold of it. But it does make for some poetry, so that's something :) Love you ❤
